Tuesday, November 6, 2007

So I found an old picture of myself at work from my lab's website (http://www.bch.msu.edu/labs/krooslab.html) and thought I'd include it, so anyone who finds this can see what I do all day...

Monday, November 5, 2007

Test Posting of old photos

Some old pictures of me as I have been:
A year ago...

Several years ago...

6 or 7 years ago...

Man, that was one snowy Christmas. I never thought my Dad would send my up to the roof with a shovel and tell me to shovel it off, but we had well over a foot (over two feet I think) up there and it had to come down before it damaged the roof. I miss that old car (and that old backboard I painted). It was the first car that was all mine, with my name on the title and everything. It was a pain to drive in the summer as the only way I could keep it from overheating was to drive with the heater on full blast and the windows down. Those were some sweaty nights, but it was all mine...

The little building off in the upper right corner we always called "the house." It was a little shed that my dad built that used to be out by the road (our house was surrounded by woods and not visible from the road), that my sister and I used to wait for the schoolbus in when it was cold or rainy until it got too full of spiders and we got too embarrassed about all the comments about how we were coming out of the outhouse as the bus came...

That's a far younger me on the front on the far side braving some rapids in West Virginia following graduation from undergrad. What a great time that was.

Debbie and I on our first (sort of) vacation together in Toronto, a number of years ago: