This next picture (below) is the one that I used as the base that I then added people into.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Another try at the photoshopped pictures
This next picture (below) is the one that I used as the base that I then added people into.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Playing around with my new camera
I'm not too happy with the way the first picture came out, but I kind of like some of the others.
While I was there, we had a party for my grandma's 80th birthday. Most of her kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids were there (just missing 3 grandkids and one grandkid's spouse I think), so we all got together to take a family group picture. Unfortunately, some people were hidden in all of my group shots. I've been trying to patch a couple of people back in via photoshop. Here's the rough effort so far:
This isn't the final picture I want to put the two people back into, but it's just something I was practicing with. If you look closely it's fairly obvious where I added back in Britta (blonde in back row peaking out behind her mom in the yellow top--you can see that I didn't actually delete her from this picture where her hair is sticking out on the other side of her mom because I didn't know how to do that with the drapes hanging down. The other person I inserted was Dezire (pink shirt second rown behind the girl in the green dress with glasses). Originally, she was sitting on her foster mom Janelle's lap, but most of her was cut out by the pew end, so I moved the pew end out a little further to cover the rest of her (seem is really obvious) and pasted her in from another picture when she's actually sitting in that location from when just the great grandkids were sitting around my grandma. To be honest, I'm most proud of my completion of the pattern on Janelle's shirt that was hidden behind th original pew post and that wasn't even that great of a job.
Here's the original group photo I was working with:
And here's the great grandkids with grandma shot I stole Dezire's head from:
Britta's head came from this one:
I'm still going through my group shots to find the best one I want to use to try this for real, but I don't think it'll be any of these that ends up serving as the base.
I don't know why clicking on the first three pictures leads to larger version of the picture, but the last two doesn't. Any suggestions?