Monday, February 14, 2011

Home at last

So after spending a bit longer as the guests of the fine folks at Beth Israel Deaconess than we'd initially planned, we finally got to introduce Penny to her new home just a little bit ago.

Given we went from 1 room plus a bath there, to two rooms and a bath here, we've at times been twice as far away and that makes us a little anxious when we can't hear her breathe at all times. I'm sure we'll adjust soon.

She's very happy being snug as a bug in a rug in one of the blankets her Great-Grandma Mullenix made for her after we got home and reading with Mommy.

Tomorrow, we're going to play fashion show trying on the close Grandma Yoder made for her, but for now it's time to try to get some sleep (all of us - I'm especially looking forward to my first night in a bed in a week).

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The impossibility of being objective

Before 2/9/2011, Debbie and I discussed whether or not we'd be able to look at our baby and know whether she was really a cute baby or if she was odd looking (and given that she shares half my DNA, the latter was kind of likely). We both thought that (unlike many other parents out there) we'd be able to look at her and see the truth (because we're scientists and evidence and all that nonsense), but either we were completely wrong or our little Penelope is the cutest baby there ever was. Anyway, here she is (and you know what, maybe we were right and we are being objective when we say she's the cutest).