Saturday, November 26, 2011


Since I don't remember to post often, I thought I'd add a couple of pictures of Penny at Thanksgiving and playing Peekaboo with Mommy.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

She keeps growing and growing

Well, it's been about 4 months since I last posted pictures of Penny. I'm not going to go pointing fingers here, but the fact that a certain little Miss Someone decided to pull a Jonah and get herself swallowed by a whale causing her Daddy to have to do a lot of work to free her might have had something to do with that.

In the meantime, Penny has gotten a lot bigger,
though her Daddy apparently hasn't discovered this wonderful modern invention called the comb.

She has also broken out of baby jail,

survived her first huricane,

gone for walks with Mommy and Daddy,

started eating solid foods,

read some books

and magazines,
taken baths,

slept some
(though maybe not as much as Mommy and Daddy would like),

taken up basketry,
joined some sort of bunny rabbit cult,
crawled around,
laughed a lot with Mommy,
met new friends,
gone to the zoo (where they didn't want to keep her - we did ask),
sat with her Daddy
and by herself like a big girl,
started up the Penny Jane Airline (so far no crashes - at least none that we had to report to the FAA),
had a crazy hair competition with Daddy,
and explored fallen leaves.
She has also gotten into films
and spent some time at the aquarium.
All in all, it's been a busy several months.