Thursday, September 20, 2012

Getting Caught Up

It's been pointed out to me that I haven't been too good about keeping up to date with posting pictures of the girl and she keeps growing and growing.  So, without further ado, here's a sampling of what Penny's been up to over the last several months:


being crazy:

being serious:

being an eagle:

being cuddly:

helping out with two of her favorite things to play with (seriously, do we have a great kid or what?):

going to the park:

making friends:

Playing with Grandpa and Grandma Yoder:

being silly:

travelling to Louisville:

on our trip to Cape Cod on Father's Day weekend:

being a super star:

hanging out with Lura Lee:

being the hostess with the mostest while Grammy and Grampy Himes were in town:
-at the airport
-at the USS Constitution
-on the buses and trains
-and in chinatown

working hard on the computer:

visiting the zoo:

Climbing moutains (and other contraptions):

going to church:

being sick:

and preparing to sweep Daniel Larusso's leg:

Well, that's a sampling of what you missed (updated to include month of May, which for some reason I previously couldn't find).  Anyway, long story short, yep, she's getting big.  A little bit of a problem in that she's a lot bigger than the kids her age at the playground, so she doesn't want to play with them (she thinks they're babies) and wants to play with kids her own size or a little bigger.  Doesn't quite have the vocab or coordination to keep up with the 2-3 year olds though, so sometimes they get frustrated with her (or she gets frustrated with herself).  She'll get there.


Pound said...

she's too sophisticated for all the babies huh? she is big!! not only does penny get updated, but it's always a fun game of does paul have a lumberjack beard, or no beard? there is no in between with you :D
i think she looks exactly like 50/50 of her parents. is that her halloween costume?

himespau said...

Not sure if that's going to be her Halloween outfit or not. Her day care provider, Lura Lee, spent the last two weeks in San Francisco visiting her son and got that outfit for her in Chinatown there.